MERRAC, with support from NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU), UNEP and IMO, coordinates various activities relevant to development of effective measures for regional cooperation in marine pollution prevention and response.
In accordance with the Terms of the Reference for MERRAC, MERRAC carries out relevant activities as follows;
- To maintain contacts with the NOWPAP member states, and also relevant national, regional, international institutions and/or organizations in the NOWPAP member states related to marine pollution prevention and response
- To organize meetings, symposiums and missions in the field, relevant to marine pollution prevention and response
- To plan and organize training courses and relevant technical workshops, in consultation with competent national training institutions in the NOWPAP member states, taking into consideration the IMO model courses
- To oversee intersessional tasks and work and to compile results of the tasks designated by MERRAC Focal Points Meeting
- To keep close contacts with other regional programmes, so that coordination and cooperation with these programmes would be enhanced
- To collect and compile information on pollution reporting and to function as mediator to pass such reporting to relevant national institutions
- To provide technical advice to the participating institutions on technical issues relevant to marine pollution prevention and response